ChatBot Use Cases For Better Experiences

What is a Chatbot 

chatbot is a computer program that can interact with humans through conversation. They simulate and process human conversation (either written or spoken) to carry out tasks for humans: answering simple queries with one-line responses, or more sophisticated ones like personal assistants who can learn from gathered information to deliver increasing levels of customization over time. 

Chatbots are usually used to answer questions, provide information, and complete tasks for the user. They act as your virtual assistant to help you manage your day-to-day activities or automate repetitive tasks. You can also use them as marketing tools!  There are many different uses for chatbots in business such as customer service, sales and lead generation, online store assistance, and more! 

Business Value of Chatbots 

Chatbots can help increase customer service with phone, email and live chat customer service. A chatbot can cut down wait time for customers by answering them instantaneously.  Chatbots can also guide customers to troubleshoot issues. 

Businesses will appreciate the increase in revenue due to chatbots. Because chatbots are available 24/7, your customers can receive customer service at any time. This is a convenience for them. When you provide excellent customer service, brand loyalty and mouth-to-mouth advertising increases.  

When businesses utilize chatbots, they reduce operational costs. The chatbot can do the work of multiple employees around the clock. This boosts employee productivity while increasing employee efficiency. Employees are now available to focus on other business promoting activities and interactions.   

Chatbots with Conversational AI 

When it comes to chatbots, many are so-called “basic” bots that use rule-based programming for handling a very limited number of tasks and providing helpful answers. However, when the basic bots receive requests which have not been previously defined in their programing, they will be unable to assist with these queries.  

The chatbot industry is fueled by the need to improve customer service with artificial intelligence that will ultimately help them understand more complex needs. This new field of AI called conversational AI, has been seen as an answer for companies with more difficult requests who are looking for a way to better serve their customers in this high-tech world. 

Chatbot Use Cases 

You can categorize Chatbot use cases into three main areas. These areas include service and support, internal knowledge, and also sales optimization. Below, you will find a few examples of chatbot use cases.  

Chatbot Use Cases: Service and Support 

  • Chatbots help you collect customer feedback efficiently  
  • They can assign customer requests to support teams 
  • Chatbots can do quizzes, promotions, and contests with customers 
  • They have the ability to demo and show requested products 


Chatbot Use Cases: Internal Knowledge 

  • Chatbots answer questions and inquiries 
  • Book tickets to events/shows with chatbots 
  • Chatbots introduce new products/services 
  • They can help improve your product onboarding 


Chatbot Use Cases: Sales Optimization 

  • Use chatbots to find products, check Inventory and recommend Items 
  • Chatbots can process return and exchange requests 
  • They can confirm orders and track shipping 
  • Chatbots help you build email lists more effectively 

Related: Conversational AI – What is it and how does it work? 

Chat Capabilities and Chatbot with In-App Chat 

These are just a few examples of chatbot use cases.  There are many more uses for chatbots. In-App Chat allows you to add chat and chatbot capabilities to your business communication platforms. If you are ready to unlock the power of chatbots, In-App Chat is here for you.  Contact us today to get started with a chatbot that can help your business grow!