Remote Workspace for the Future of Remote Work

In this crazy time of uncertainty, there is one thing that is for sure. The way we do business has changed. Waking up and getting ready for your commute into the office was the norm. In fact, before 2020, only 17% of the workforce worked from home. When the world came to a halt during the shutdown caused by the pandemic, that number jumped to nearly 44%. These workers needed to create a peaceful and productive remote workspace to complete their work tasks.

Since that time, restrictions have lessened, and people have been allowed to go back to the office. However, when workers were asked if they would prefer to work from home or the office, 40% of workers stated they want to work from home or a remote workspace full time. 35% of workers surveyed stated they would prefer a hybrid work from home and office combination. Finally, only 25% of respondents wanted to work at the office full time.

Offering Remote Work Makes You Competitive 

Businesses need to offer remote work options for their employees to remain competitive. Decision makers who have never had their employees work from home may be nervous about remote workers.  Issues like collaboration, timeliness, and motivation can be concerns deterring business owners from offering work from home options. However, offering your employees the option to work remotely is easier than ever through internet-based programs and platforms.

Video conferencing and messaging has helped many companies with communication. Waiting for a response through email can be time consuming. When employees are working together on the same platform, they are able to communicate in real time. This real time interaction helps with collaboration on group projects, as well as communication in general. Productivity increases as remote workers interact with each other from the comfort of their own remote workspace.

A New Type of Remote Workspace 

There are many video conferencing platforms that allow messaging, screen sharing, and file sharing among other features. There is a new remote workspace platform that bridges all those features with a virtual mini office.

Imagine a virtual office remote workspace platform that you can enter like a video game. The experience is completely customizable. Business owners can create groups and give them names. Employees can create their own icons to show in the messenger box. The whole office can create an avatar to interact with coworkers.

When you enter the remote workspace “office”, imagine entering the lobby of an office space. Employees control the avatar’s actions and communications 100 percent.   For example, if you were to shout in a physical lobby, everyone could hear you. That’s the same as when you are in the main virtual office. All coworkers can read the feed for general conversation.

Now, let’s say you are working on a project with a small subset of your coworkers. If you need to speak specifically with certain team members, there are areas for this within this virtual office. The meeting rooms can be utilized for these projects.  When you and another coworker enter the meeting room, your communication is shared only with other team members in that room, just like in real life.

A Remote Workspace That Works 

Zib’s remote workspace has the features your remote workers need to be successful. We support your communications in a new, fun way that will keep your employees excited! Our interactive virtual office gives the workday a gaming feel that will delight both you and your employees. In fact, we wager that your company will experience even greater collaboration when you add this gamification factor!

Visit us today to try out our virtual office for yourself. You will love your new interactive remote workspace.