The Future of Work: Driven by Community

The future of work is changing. Gone are the days when people would go to a workplace and spend their entire day in front of a computer screen, answering emails or doing tasks given to them by management. Even though it has only been in recent years that this change has become evident, there have already been many changes made as we move towards the future of work driven by community.  

In this article we will discuss how our future may be more dependent on virtual interactions than ever before and why. We will also explore the benefits and effects that come with these virtual encounters so you can see if they are right for your business! 

The Covid-19 Effect 

While covid-19 really threw a wrench into our daily lives, there is one positive thing that came from it. The rise of remote work. Workers were sent home in 2020 and found that there were many positive aspects to working from home. In fact, more than 70% of surveyed workers prefer to continue working from home. This could be because the cost of commute was nonexistent, the cost of lunch was lowered significantly, and time with family was increased.  

However, there were some negative points to remote work. There was a strong need for human interactions that can be lacking during isolation. Challenges such as lack of collaborating and communicating with colleagues took a real toll on some workers. Frankly, they missed each other.  

There are certain technologies that have helped us work remotely including video conferencing, email, and real-time document sharing. However, these technologies are not a perfect solution to a lack of human interaction. Most of these technologies have parameters and limitations that can stifle creativity and connectivity. 

The Future of Work with Virtual Encounters 

With the popularity of virtual interactive games, we know people like to interact with others even from extreme distances through an online connection. The trick is to figure out how and why interacting through a gaming resource is so much more enjoyable than through video conferencing and other work-related platforms. 

Obviously, gaming is not nearly as stressful or demanding as work. We game for fun. The question now becomes can we take this knowledge and apply it to the work environment? Can virtual offices give off the same connections and collaborations that games give their users? 

If we offer our workers the opportunity to create an avatar and interact with the virtual office we create for them, their sense of community while working from home can return to them. Virtual offices can continue to promote remote work by offering workers the human interactions that they miss from a trip to the office.  

 By providing a platform that gives people a sense of community, we are fulfilling the desire for human connections and interactions while promoting collaboration. The forecast for the future of work through these virtual office platforms is optimistic.  

The Future of Work with Zib Messenger 

In the world of online interactions, we are most familiar with gaming consoles like the Sims and Roblox. In these games you create an avatar to represent you in the virtual world. Similar to this type of world, Zib Messenger has created a virtual office world that allows you to interact with your coworkers through your personally designed avatar.  

Zib Messenger is virtual office that is helping foster human interactions. Through the online office, employees can collaborate and communicate freely without constraints associated with other cloud-based office platforms. This fosters spontaneity for problem solving.  

Zib Messenger’s virtual office is not only equipped with a lobby for the general workday, but also contains meeting rooms for those that are working on projects together. Similar to the office environment, these workers can focus on their project while working side by side (virtually) with their project partners.  

Contact us today if you are ready to meet the future of work!